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Genießen Sie vegane Spezialitäten der Conditorei Kreutzkamm, von Schokolade bis zur Schoko-Himbeertorte – ganz ohne tierische Zutaten.

Beliebteste Produkte

Fruit Bread 500g
Semi-sweet Marzipan
From €9.00*
Marzipan-Potatoes 200g
Marzipan bread 125g
From €9.00*
Buehler Plum - Cinnamon
Passionfruit Jelly
Fruit Bread 500g
Semi-sweet Marzipan
From €9.00*
Marzipan-Potatoes 200g
Marzipan bread 125g
From €9.00*
Buehler Plum - Cinnamon
Passionfruit Jelly

Erleben Sie traditionelle vegane Konditoren-Kunst bei Kreutzkamm seit 1825

Vegan specialties for sweet moments 

Do you want or need to eat a plant beased diet, free of animal-based ingredients or do you have a dairy product intolerance and are looking for good alternatives to your favourite confectionery specialities? At the Kreutzkamm confectionery, we can offer you a whole vegan range of our specialties. These vegan products do not contain any animal based ingredients.  We offer vegan chocolates, nougat and marzipan as well as our vegan chocolate raspberry cake. With these Kreutzkamm articles, you can enjoy life's small pleasures to the fullest.

Did you know, since 1825, we have been passing on our family recipes to next generation. Celebrate Kreutzkamm specialties without any sacrifice and order today in our online shop!

Der König aller Kuchen

Genießen auch Sie den „König des Gebäcks“, handgefertigt in der Conditorei Kreutzkamm nach traditioneller Rezeptur. Seit über 200 Jahren werden unsere bewährten Rezepte von Generation zu Generation weitergegeben.

Zum Baumkuchen