Danish Nutbraid 500g
Available, delivery time: 3-4 Tage
Our nut braid is made from a light yeast dough. Baking processes and the ingredients such as butter result in a fluffy, fine and aromatic crumb. Our self-made high-quality nut filling, with the high proportion of hazelnuts, nut marzipan, marzipan and eggs gives it a particularly nutty taste. Our nut braid goes best with a cup of coffee or tea, for breakfast or simply as a small delicacy in between.
This article is only available in Germany and is intended for immediate consumption.Shelf life only 7 days.
Weizenmehl, Haselnüsse (19%), Aprikosen-Konfitüre (Zucker, Aprikosen, Glukose-Fruktose-Sirup, Säuerungsmittel (Zitronensäure), Geliermittel (Pektin), Antioxidationsmittel (Ascorbinsäure)), Vollmilch, Zucker, Fondant (Zucker, Glukosesirup, Verdickungsmittel (Xanthan, Johannisbrotkernmehl, Guarkernmehl)), Nuss-Marzipan (Haselnüsse, Zucker, Wasser, Invertzuckersirup), Butter, Hühnerei, Mandeln, Butterreinfett, Hefe, Weizenstärke, Speisesalz, Zitronenschalen, Marzipan (Mandeln, Zucker, Invertzuckersirup), Maismehl, Maisstärke, Rum, natürliches Vanillearoma,Gewürze.
Brennwert: | 1840 kJ / 440 kcal |
Eiweiß: | 9,3 g |
Fett: | 24 g |
Kohlenhydrate: | 45,0 g |
Salz: | 0,46 g |
davon Zucker: | 23,0 g |
davon gesättigte Fettsäuren: | 6 g |